Haptic Technology Gloves are now allowing users to touch and feel in Virtual reality (VR)

Haptic gloves

Haptic Glove is a wearable device that simulates the touch of a virtual object!

Some Companies created a glove that provides tactile feedback of virtual objects. When activated, it provides real feedback about the tactile sensation of holding a virtual object. Feedback includes temperature, weight, the size (diameter) of the object, and visual feedback will be provided using a Matlab interface. While this is just a demo, potential applications for a haptic glove includes use in virtual reality, gaming (like playing tennis the Wii, but you actually get to feel the ball hits that sweet spot!), online shopping, and physical therapy!

Many people don’t realize it, but tactile feedback is just as important as the other four main senses. In addition to feeling your pets covered in soft cloths or fur, their tactile sensations help them perform their daily tasks. Have you ever tied your shoelaces with your hands paralyzed? Your hands have lost their dexterity, but without a sense of touch, the task suddenly becomes much more difficult. We live in a world that relies heavily on computers and video games. There is little to no “real” feeling.

The haptic technology market is expected to grow from USD 2.71 billion in 2021 to USD 5.01 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 11.5%.

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