Spinal Surgical Robotics: A Technical Overview and Key Concept Review

Spine Surgery Robots

The use of robotic systems to assist with surgical procedures has increased significantly over the past decade. Robotic surgery is widely adopted as a part of daily life in fields such as general surgery, urology, and obstetrics and gynecology. Surgical procedures involving the spine often require fixation through placement of pedicle screws, an operation that can be augmented with the use of robotic technology. There is little room for error in pedicle screw placement, as incorrect screw placement can lead to serious complications such as neurological or vascular damage. The…

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Putin signs bill to ban payments with digital assets in Russia

President Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill banning payments with digital financial assets. The bill obliges exchange operators to refuse to treat as “monetary agents” transactions that facilitate the use of DFA, a legal category currently dealing with cryptocurrencies. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed legislation directly restricting the use of digital financial assets (DFAs) as a means of payment in his country, the crypto page of the RBC business news portal reports. The ban also applies to UDRs (Utility Digital Rights). Although Russia does not yet comprehensively regulate…

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